
    ~~ RM: keiner ~~ UI: ---start--- ~~ IP:



<event start='1992' title='As We May Think (article)' durationEvent='false' link='|titleLink'> In his Atlantic Monthly article, Vannevar Bush describes the Memex. With this envisioned device an individual would compress and store all of their books, records, and communications, „mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility“. Users would add or follow associative trails of links and notes created by that individual, or recorded by other researchers. (ref:|Wikipedia)</event>

<event start='1982' end='1986' isDuration='true' color='red' tapeImage='red_stripes.png' tapeRepeat='repeat-x' title='Entwicklung A1000'>Von Jay Miners eigener Firma bis …</event>

<event start='July,23 1985' icon='red-circle.png' title='1. Vorstellung A1000'>Das erste Amiga-Modell – später Amiga 1000 genannt – wurde am 23. Juli 1985 in New York im Rahmen einer großen Show mit den Gaststars Andy Warhol und Deborah Harry (Blondie) vorgestellt. Die Entwickler demonstrierten die besonderen Eigenschaften, die den Amiga von den zeitgenössischen Konkurrenten IBM-PC, Mac und Atari ST abhoben.</event>

<event start='March 25, 1995' earliestEnd='2011' end='2012' isDuration='true' title='WikiWikiWeb' link='|titleLink' > Ward Cunningham launches WikiWikiWeb, the first wiki. It provided pages that can be edited via the browser, with a version history for each page. Users were encouraged to contribute information on programming patterns. The site was named after a Honolulu shuttle bus called Wiki Wiki. The site is active today. Ward Cunningham provided a version of his wiki software, called Wiki Base, to the public. (picture: by Andrew Laing at license CC BY-SA 2.0)</event>

<event start='1990' end='1991' isDuration='true' title='WWW' > Tim Berners-Lee of CERN builds the first hypertext client, which he called World Wide Web, and the first hypertext server. In 1991 he posted a short summary of the World Wide Web project on the alt.hypertext newsgroup, marking the debut of the Web as a publicly available service on the Internet. (ref:, picture:</event>

<event start='1985' earliestEnd='2001' end='2010' isDuration='true' color='darkred' title='Amiga Technologies' > Lebenszeit ??</event>

<event start='1985' end='1994' earliestEnd='1993' isDuration='true' title='Commodore' icon='dark-green-circle.png'>A wiki dedicated to discussion of the game of Go, created by Morten G. Pahle and Arno Hollosi. It is one of the earliest and most successful wikis and today contains over 20,000 pages. (ref:</event>

<event start='1985' end='2999' color='red' isDuration='true' title='AMIGA'>Ewig lebe der Amiga !</event>

<event start='January 15, 2000' end='2010' earliestEnd='2007' isDuration='true' color='gray' title='nichts Neues' ></event> in dieser Zeit wurde keine Amiga gebaut. </data> ~~TOOLS:top~~

Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/22 00:27